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About Us
Representing the interest of horticultural growers

Mange Tout Peas Centralised Estate Model
Farmers receive seeds, fertilizers and agro-chemicals on credit. Deductions are taken from final payment

Farmers receive expert agronomic advice from a farmer trainer hired by International NGO TechnoServe

The company delivers inputs and makes daily collections of produce.

Tea Nucleus Estate Model
Tanganda previously provided tea plants on a cost-recovery basis & fertilizers on loan. Fertilizers are now sourced through the newly formed tea grower’s association.

The company continues to provide extension services to out-growers through a 3-member extension team. Training includes normal tea cultural routines and Rainforest Alliance certification requirements which allows for the mark to be used on tea sold in Europe and across the world.

The company used to provide transport to carry green leaf to the factory. Nowadays outgrowers are standing on their own with their own tractors which are operated and serviced by Tanganda.

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